
Accessible and meaningful learning for students with CVI

Marguerite Tibaudo, CVI Project Assistant Director, discusses systematic instruction, CVI promising practices, lesson design, and data to inform the IEP.

CVI Now hosted a live virtual event on building accessible and meaningful learning for students with CVI held on March 25, 2021. Marguerite Tibaudo, Assistant Director of the CVI Project at Perkins, and a TVI and Deafblind specialist presented and answered parent questions about:

No child with CVI is exempt from learning. No child with CVI is too anything to keep them from learning. Children with CVI can be readers, writers, and problem solvers. And this will look different in each child, but there is no question about our children’s capacity for greatness. 

“If the child with CVI is less engaged, there’s a reason for it. It’s on us, the educators and providers, to optimize every opportunity for accessible learning to move that child as close to their learning goal as possible. We cannot predict what a child with CVI can or cannot do, but we can thoughtfully design instruction that is accessible and meaningful, so they have every opportunity to show us their skills and abilities.” —Marguerite Tibaudo

Download instructional resources created by Marguerite!

If you would like to earn professional credits (PDP, ACVREP, CTLE, CE) for this webinar, head on over to Perkins eLearning. 

Tune in to more Expert Q&As: CVI and the Math Mind, CVI and Assistive Technology, CVI and Communication

CVI parents: got questions? Join the CVI Now Parent Group to ask your questions, access live virtual events, and connect with other families. 

Resources and references:

Blue writing on a white tile over a blue background with an orange boarder. Text reads recording of live virtual event. Accessible and meaningful learning for students with CVI. CVI Now logo

Accessible and meaningful learning for students with CVI

A young adult dressed in black with a black cap stands outside with his O&M instructor. They both are smiling holding white canes.

How does O&M address CVI visual behaviors? CVI and O&M: Part 2

Millie turns toward the entrance of the Lower school using a walker.

A guide to O&M program planning for the CVI student. CVI and O&M: Part 4