People in Perkins history

Sue and Larry Melander in the upper level of the Museum in the Howe Building at Perkins School for the Blind.

Lawrence (Larry) Melander oral history

Two tiled portraits. On the left, a photographic portrait of Isabella Stewart Gardner from 1888 courtesy of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. On the right, a group photographic portrait of the young students and on the steps of the Kindergarten for the Blind, circa 1893.

Isabella Stewart Gardner and the Kindergarten

Exerpt of handwritten letter from Henry David Thoreau.

A letter from Henry David Thoreau

Charles Lindsay with his uniformed driver, George S. Harvey. Both men are wearing long coats and hats, Lindsay in a bowler hat. Lindsay has his hand on Harvey's elbow, in a sighted guide position. There is an old-style car behind them.

Sir Charles William Lindsay

Richard Chapman and Claude Ellis running in a race.

Richard Chapman oral history (2023)

Portrait of George Roukey, a white man, wearing a suit and tie. He is wearing dark glasses.

The unexpected discovery of a blind ancestor named George

Kevin holds a brailler while a group of people around him take a look, including Shirley Temple.

Remembering former Perkins Director Kevin Lessard

Tiled portrait of Augustus Saint-Gaudens painted portrait and photographic portrait of Anna Lyman Gray.

Anna Lyman Gray and Augustus Saint-Gaudens

Portrait of Lady Campbell. In three-quarter profile with hair parted down the middle and braided in the back. Wearing a dress with lace collar and dark lacy shawl.

Lady Campbell

Photo portrait of Ellen Mazel

Ellen Mazel oral history

Professional portrait of Martha Majors

Martha Majors: Creating waves of impact through mentorship

Portrait of Cora Crocker, a Perkins student with deafblindness, wearing a long white dress and leaning against an ornately carved wooden chair. Portrait studio backdrop has a classical column at the top right.

Cora Crocker