Guide dogs


Virtual training to support guide dog users

Pages from an "Anthology of English Verse" scrapbook.

Digitized scrapbook of Anthology of English verse

Tanja Milojevic and her guide dog, Nabu.

More than their service, here’s what you need to know about guide dogs

When Cindy Miller picked up Perkins in April, it was “love at first smell,” she said. Perkins is training to become a guide dog for Guide Dogs of America.

A puppy named Perkins

An estimated 10,000 guide dogs currently work in the United States, helping people who are blind or visually impaired navigate independently. Photo Credit: Anna Miller.

Meet the adorable, hardworking guide dogs of Perkins

September is National Guide Dog Month, a time to recognize and appreciate the hard working pups who help people who are blind lead independent lives.

Woof! 9 interesting — and surprising — facts about guide dogs