#FridayForward explores the world of disabilities and the changemakers who are creating a more accessible world.
The win-win guide to disability inclusion at work
Your gift can help kids & adults with blindness thrive every day.
Adapting materials using the Circuit Maker and APH products
Communicating effectively: assessment and skill-building for strong social skills
CVI Experts: Dr. Sarah Blackstone and Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy
ClaroCom Pro Communication App Review
Make A Choice: AAC App Review
Cough Drop AAC App
Use of Meaningful Pictures and Sounds for Students with CVI
Conversations: Connecting and Learning With Persons Who Are Deafblind
Tangible Symbols
To Live, To Love, To Work, To Play: Blending Quality of Life Into the Curriculum
Writing: The Forgotten Focus for Literacy and Communication Instruction
CHARGE Syndrome: The Impact of CHARGE on Communication and Learning