
Showing 407 Results:

hands on a laptop keyboard with screen displaying "X + Y + ".

How to use JAWS Braille Math Editor

A voting box with a checked ballot sticking out the top next to an icon of Massachusetts

Accessible voting in Massachusetts

Fingers on multiline of braille.

Tactile-Talk STEM listserv for multiline braille displays

Looking down image of a circle of kids with hands stacked on top of each other.

Back to school activity: Autograph scavenger hunt

Screenshot of the VoiceOver Playground Braille Game, Leaping letters. A frog sitting on a rock beside a pond with a lily pad displaying the letter "H" and "dots 1, 2, 5."

VoiceOver Playground app: Braille games, Part 4

Girl interacting with an iPad with an adult beside her pointing to the screen.

Try ObjectiveEd’s games for free!

VoiceOver Playground app logo

VoiceOver Playground app: Teaching Tool, part 2

Harvard student Campbell sitting at her dorm desk with a laptop, braille note taker and headphones. At a table behind her is a Perkins Brailler and other devices.

Calculus anyone?

Summer Reading tips and downloading and accessing Bookshare books on a braille display.

Summer reading and how to access Bookshare on the Braille Sense 6

A frog on a black background

Frog activities and frog life cycle

Monarch butterfly

Butterflies part 4: Books and writing activities

Student fingers on the Monarch. APH's photo.

Making math more accessible: Monarch’s Word processor