Resource center

From the experts at Perkins School for the Blind, resources and thought leadership on hundred of topics for children with multiple, complex disabilities, their families, and educators, from lesson plans to transition plans, from orientation and mobility to assistive technology.

Showing 4309 Results for Resource center

Google Chrome logo with red slash through it.

Current issue with Google Chrome, screen readers and online math

Sue and Larry Melander in the upper level of the Museum in the Howe Building at Perkins School for the Blind.

Lawrence (Larry) Melander oral history

Three book covers displayed in front of a stack of short booklets and next to a small figurine of a man in a suit

Recommended Reads: Short stories

Excited boy with hands stretched out wide, sitting at a desk using a computer.

Classroom technology that benefits low vision students

Line graph with a picture of a car.

Thanksgiving Car Travel Trends activity: Desmos line graph

Tactile Town advent calendar

Accessible digital advent calendar

6 green presents plus 3 yellow presents

Holiday word problem visualizations: Math “drawings” using a brailler

Fingers points at a sad young woman.

Tips for handling academic ableism in the classroom

Molly Lazarus, director of Remarkable US, smiles in a professional headshot

Howe Innovation Center community profile: Molly Lazarus

OneNote logo

How I outline research papers with OneNote

CATT-NW logo

AT resources from CATT-NW

Student watching a video in class.

How to make classroom videos easier to see