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The Perkins CVI Protocol

A person using a stylus to write on a tablet

Using a New Checklist to Identify Students Who May Have Brain-Based Hearing Issues, and Strategies for Supporting Their Learning and Active Engagement

A stack of college textbooks.

A look at the Visual Access of the WISC-V for individuals with CVI

Perkins TVI Ilse Willems shines a light on a glass container for Ryan during a home CVI assessment.

Moving from assessment to intervention

children work side-by-side on tablet devices

Nine Classroom Adaptations for Students with Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment

No-cost changes to general education, special education, and school environments

a teacher leads a student group in an activity using hand bells

Making It Easier to See: Using Consistent Language in the Classroom Setting for Young Students with CVI

An update on findings from the Make It Easier study in the United Kingdom

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If you are an educator or family member interested in the education of students who are blind, visually impaired, deafblind or have multiple disabilities, we invite you to sign up and receive notifications when new posts are published. Additionally, we encourage you to share your own activities and ideas with our community.

Hear from our participants.


“[CVI Ally] was so impactful and there were so many moments where I said out loud “YES” because many of these experiences are ones that I am trying to convey to IEP teams to help them understand CVI and its impact.”

We offer customized trainings for school districts and professionals

Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) is the leading cause of visual impairment in school-age children. To best serve your students, you need CVI expertise in your schools. 

For a cost-effective professional development program for your staff, turn to Perkins’s customizable training packages, which can meet the needs of school districts of every size. Fill out the form below to learn more about how Perkins can tailor our CVI training for you.

You can expect the following—and more—from a Perkins' CVI customized training:

  • An inclusive, evidence-based approach.
  • Sessions led by world-renowned leading theorists, including expertise from Perkins.
  • A deep range of topics from a foundational overview of CVI to advanced topics like assessments, interventions, and teaching strategies.