Paths to Technology

Early intervention

Activities, resources and tech for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten students!

Note: Some posts contain activities that cover a range of ages – including activities or modifications designed for young students.

Showing 313 Results for Early intervention

Unhappy gingerbread man with right arm and right leg bitten off.

Gingerbread man: First bite chart activities

6 green presents plus 3 yellow presents

Holiday word problem visualizations: Math “drawings” using a brailler

Cover of the book, I Need My Monster: boy peaking under his bed.

I Need My Monster book 1: Note taking

Blue monster character with 1 eye, two horns and two fangs.

Make your own monster: Play dough activity and storytelling

Ai.Learners logo

Exploring AI-Learners: An inclusive educational platform

APH's new Memory Puzzle: Shapes kit. Heart puzzle piece with other puzzle pieces in the background.

Math shapes: Introducing APH Memory Puzzles

Colorful triangle, square, circle and hexagon shapes.

Math shapes: Marshmallows and toothpicks activity!

2 Fireflies in a glass jar.

Firefly activities: Science and literacy

Screenshot of the VoiceOver Playground Braille Game, Leaping letters. A frog sitting on a rock beside a pond with a lily pad displaying the letter "H" and "dots 1, 2, 5."

VoiceOver Playground app: Braille games, Part 4

Screenshot of the Games Launcher page 1 with 8 game icons.

VoiceOver Playground app: Games, Part 3

VoiceOver Playground app logo

VoiceOver Playground app: Teaching Tool, part 2

Happy toddler in a bean-bag type chair interacting with an iPad.

VoiceOver Playground app: Games that teach VoiceOver!