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Technology for everyone

Paths to Technology is designed to assist educators and families in learning and staying current on ever-changing technology for students with visual impairments and blindness.

Wherever you are in your technology journey, you will find help with our library of resources designed to define and disseminate best practices, training, and support for teachers of the visually impaired, braille transcribers, other education professionals, parents, and students themselves.

Smiling 4 year old using an iPad and Bluetooth keyboard with a braille display beside her on a classroom desk

A library of technology resources

A library of free accessible digital classroom materials created by and for teachers! These materials are perfect for in-school instruction and remote instruction. Learn more about the Resource Library or get started with one of our four collections: maps, books, lessons and tactile images.

Books and documents

The book Library contains multimedia digital books and resources created by educators, family members, groups/individuals and students.


The Lesson library is one central place to find lessons and ideas to help educators and family members teach students with visual impairments from preschool thru college. You’ll find a multitude of lessons covering a variety of subjects and topics.


Our Map library includes non-visual digital maps that are fully accessible maps for use by students for O&M purposes and for educational purposes in mainstream classrooms. Please help us grow the Map Library by sharing your maps!

Tactile graphics

Browse our Tactile graphics library and download image files developed specifically for Tactile Graphics Machines (a.k.a. Thermal Image Enhancer or Heat Fuser) such as the PIAF or Swell machines.

Share your ideas.

Diane Brauner Paths to Technology, Community Manager

“Paths to Technology is a thriving community of educators, family members, and students. Please share your favorite lesson, activity or resource with us. Or contact us to share your ideas, ask a question or offer feedback. Thank you!”

App reviews and activities with apps

News, surveys and user testing

Keep up with the latest tech-related news, survey opportunities and user testing. Quality research and field testing will improve best practices for teaching and will support the development of accessible resources for students with low vision and blindness. Please help by responding to surveys and field testing opportunities. Your input matters!

four-year old boy holding a microphone

Subscribe to the Paths to Technology newsletter.

Stay current on ever-changing technology for students with visual impairments and blindness.

A student is reviewing a bar chart on a computer.

Technology curricula

Technology curricula and training resources to assist teachers of the visually impaired to teach technology skills using various devices and software and to track a student’s progress as they develop technology skills.

Available curricula and resources

This page contains the Available Curricula and Resources, including complete manuals, directions to complete specific tasks, video tutorials, and specific lesson plans for a variety of devices and software.

Quick reference guides

The Quick Reference Guide page contains lists of commands - simple cheat sheets - for various devices and software.

Checklists and assessments

This page contains a combination of basic and comprehensive checklists and assessments designed to help teachers of the visually impaired to track a student's technology skills and to help determine technology related IEP goals.

Orientation & mobility

Posts for students

Software updates

Bundled up woman using her. long cane to navigate in the snow.

Walking in snow: College O&M

How I handle snow on my college campus and tips for walking in snow with a cane.

Young man with a backpack and headphones, dictating into a phone and listening to a screen reader's response.

What I wish I knew about assistive technology before starting college

A list of skills and concepts I wish I had learned and developed about assistive technology prior to starting college with low vision

Google Chrome logo with red slash through it.

Resolved issue with Google Chrome, NVDA and math

Update NVDA to resolve this issue!