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Capacity Building

Accessible education for all

We’re building a foundation so that every child in Mexico has access to education that is both accessible and adapted for their needs.

In Mexico today, more than 50% of children with multiple, complex disabilities are out of school, and most of those who are in school are in programs that need significant improvement. With the expert support and education provided by Perkins Project Pixan we are helping these children engage with family, school and community, leading to a more fulfilling life.

How do we help?

Transforming education in Mexico

By 2030, Perkins, in partnership with state Secretaries of Education and educators and parents, will increase access to quality education for children with multiple disabilities in Mexico. In alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our goal is to increase the enrollment of children with multiple disabilities in 15 states.

The public education system in Mexico includes special schools called CAMs (Centros de Atención Múltiple). With Perkins support and leadership, along with a network of local, regional and national partners, the goal is to help 71 public schools enhance their programs.

A girl holds a jar of paste, supported by adult hands.

Our Work

Our goal is to build a sustainable, scalable model for quality education in Mexico. Through the support of local governments, training teachers, empowering families, and engaging communities, we help children with multiple, complex disabilities learn and thrive.

teacher works with young visually impaired student in the classroom

Model programs

By creating a ripple effect where model schools serve as training sites and resource centers, we create lasting improvements that can be rolled out to other schools. It’s the beginning of systemic, sustainable change.

Mother leaders

Mothers and other caregivers from model programs come together to learn from each other and about special topics of interest, so they can be more proactive in their child’s education and a better advocate for their child and the children of others.

The Mexican Strategic Working Group members  all sit and pose for a picture together.

Strategic working group

The Izamal Strategic Group, composed of representatives of public and private organizations, government officials, and families with visual disabilities and deafblindness, supports the quality of education of children with complex disabilities in Mexico.

Project Pixan’s impact in 2023

65,757children reached.

7,974teachers and other professionals impacted.

1,006families engaged.

a workshop is being conducted inside the adapted design center

Adaptive Design Center in Yucatán

In a special collaboration with the Secretary of Education of Yucatan, Perkins has established the first state of the art, adaptive design center in Merida, Mexico. The Center will build and provide ultra-low-cost adaptive furniture and equipment from locally available materials, all custom-built for individual children with physical disabilities in the state of Yucatan.

Adaptive Design Center

“For children with physical disabilities and sensory impairments, the devices built at the Center can make life and play accessible, and lead to a more engaging and fulfilling life.

We take pride in building adaptive furniture and equipment from locally available materials, all custom-built for individual children with physical disabilities.

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Released quarterly, this newsletter uncovers the ways Perkins is expanding access to education for children with disabilities and how you can help.

A bit of history

Who we are

We build educational capacity so that every child can experience a classroom built for their needs.

Our work in Mexico is backed by almost two centuries of global leadership and expertise in the field of blindness education from Perkins School for the Blind — a global trailblazer, convener, learning lab and champion for children with visual impairment and multiple disabilities, and the first school for the blind in the United States.

The work of Perkins in Latin America and the Caribbean began in 1989. Then, the education of children with multiple disabilities and deafblindness was nascent in many countries. During the last 32 years, Perkins has had a leadership role in the development of infrastructure and systems that support the development of education in the region. Likewise, it has supported the development of continuous training programs for educators and families of children and young people with visual impairment, multiple disabilities and/or deafblindness, has played a fundamental role in the growth of NGOs that provide service at the local level, and has kept the issue of quality education at the forefront of governments.

With this foundation, Perkins will increase the quality of education for over 7000 children with multiple disabilities in 71 public schools of Mexico by the year 2030.

A teacher holding up a book for a child in a wheelchair.

Our team