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A young adult dressed in black with a black cap stands outside with his O&M instructor. They both are smiling holding white canes.
June 11, 2024 | 12:00 PM

Summer Guardianship Series Part Two: Supported Decision-Making for Independence and Growth

Supported decision-making is a unique and empowering process for helping a young adult without taking away legal rights in court. It is gradually becoming recognized worldwide so that a young adult’s SDM team can have access to information previously provided only to legal guardians. In this program, we will answer common questions about choosing and using supported decision-making.

Transition Center Summer Series on Guardianship

Summer Guardianship Series Part Two: Supported Decision-Making for Independence and Growth

Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Time:12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EDT
Location: Virtually on Zoom

Supported decision-making (SDM) is a unique and empowering process for helping a young adult without taking away legal rights in court. It is gradually becoming recognized worldwide so that a young adult’s SDM team can have access to information previously provided only to legal guardians.

So, how does a young adult or family decide if SDM is right for them? If a guardianship is in place, is it possible to use SDM in addition? And could successful SDM signal a need to end a legal guardianship?

In this program, we will answer common questions about choosing and using supported decision-making.

Speaker: Heather Connors, Ph.D., Executive Director of The Center for Guardianship Excellence

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Explore the full Summer Guardianship series

Learn about each workshop in our four-part series. We’ll cover Self-Determination, Supported Decision-Making, The Rights of Adults with Guardians, and What To Do When You Have Been Appointed Guardian.