Targeting Expanded Core Curriculum skills
The program targets several ECC skills with particular focus on the following:
Independence is a key skill that empowers us to navigate the streets of life, and to take advantage of the opportunities the world has to offer. In order to do this safely, however, it is critical that we are aware of our surroundings, understand the potential hazards of a given situation, and have the skills to respond effectively when things go wrong.
Whether using social media, surfing the internet, making a purchase at a store, or traveling in a public place, there is always the risk that we could fall victim to the ill-intentions of others. The Self-Defense program utilizes a special curriculum designed to teach visually impaired students the mental and physical skills needed to identify warning signs, and to respond decisively to defend themselves.
The program targets several ECC skills with particular focus on the following:
Please note that our program specifics subject to change in accordance with CDC guidelines. Pleas contact us for more information about any of our Outreach programs.