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A female student with glasses in a dark blue dress sits at a desk.
February 16, 2025 | 8:00 AM

Pre-Employment Program

Rigorous job preparation for young adults ages 14 to 22 who are blind or visually impaired.
A female student with glasses and a dark blue dress sits at a desk.


Join us for Pre-Employment Program

The Pre-Employment Program (PEP) is an intensive one-week residential workshop that equips young adults with the skills necessary for workplace success. 

Critical skills at a critical age

“It can really help students with a visual impairment on employment.”

-Jordan, PEP alum

Targeting Expanded Core Curriculum skills

The program targets several ECC skills with particular focus on the following:

  • Independent Living Skills
  • Career Education
  • Use of Assistive Technology
  • Self-determination

Have questions?

Please note that our program specifics subject to change in accordance with CDC guidelines. Pleas contact us for more information about any of our Outreach programs.