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Visually impaired male student in blue jacket high fives a male staff member in a black sweatshirt
April 14, 2024 | 5:00 PM

Camp Abilities

Perkins Camp Abilities is a developmental week-long program designed to introduce students with visual impairments to a variety of sports.
Student in blue jacket gives high five to staff member in black sweatshirt.


Join us for Camp Abilities

Camp Abilities is a comprehensive developmental sports program for students who are blind or visually impaired.

Activities may include aquatics, track and field, goalball, gymnastics, tandem biking, beep baseball, Power Showdown, bocce, horseback riding, bowling, dancing, rowing and rock climbing.

By the end of this program, students should:

  • Learn how to access fitness facilities in their own communities and learn basic fitness concepts
  • Increase their knowledge of the types of sports an individual with vision loss can participate in
  • Learn about teamwork and make new social connections
  • Increase confidence and feel more comfortable explaining their needs and how to request adaptations as they relate to involvement in sports
  • Have new motivation to pursue extracurricular and sport opportunities in their schools and communities

Targeting Expanded Core Curriculum skills

The program targets several ECC skills with particular focus on the following:

  • Recreation & Leisure Skills
  • Self-determination
  • Orientation & Mobility
  • Independent Living Skills

Have questions?

Please note that our program specifics subject to change in accordance with CDC guidelines. Pleas contact us for more information about any of our Outreach programs.