March 31
9:00 am
4:00 pm
Join us!
The CVI Center team is coming to you! We are thrilled to add in-person workshops as part of our training delivery program to support educators in using The Perkins CVI Protocol℠. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to practice conducting a CVI assessment using The Perkins CVI Protocol℠ together with an expert using videos of a student with CVI. Find more details below about our workshop offerings. More dates and locations will be announced, so check back often!
Workshop details
- Coming soon:
- Price: Varies due to local sponsorship.
- If you need to pay by purchase order, reach out to our Program Manager, Lauren at [email protected]
- Professional Development Credits are available.
- Lunch: Boxed lunches will be provided.
In-person training
Supplement the available resources for The Perkins CVI Protocol℠ and online CVI course offerings via Perkins Academy with hands-on, in-person training and discussion.
Network & connect
Come together to network with other CVI educators to share ideas, discuss the complexities of CVI, and learn from colleagues in your field.
Learn from students with CVI
Take this unique opportunity to practice conducting a CVI assessment through videos of a student with CVI with experienced TVIs from Perkins. Ask questions, learn intervention ideas, and provide feedback about the training.
Want a training in your area?