
Supporting social emotional development with young children who have CVI

Strategies to help infants, toddlers, and preschoolers develop and maintain positive relationships with caregivers and peers and learn how to express and regulate their feelings

Join Deborah Chen as she presents the indicators of healthy social-emotional development in the first five years and how a child’s CVI may influence this developmental area. This presentation includes strategies to help infants, toddlers, and preschoolers develop and maintain positive relationships with caregivers and peers and learn how to express and regulate their feelings.

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Meet the Presenters

Deborah Chen, Ph.D.
Deborah Chen, Ph.D., is Professor Emerita in the Early Childhood Education Special Education from the California State University, Northridge. She is a leader in the fields of early intervention, early childhood special education, and deaf-blind education. Dr. Chen has edited 10 books, written multiple book chapters and journal articles, and produced many videos/DVDs on topics supporting recommended practices with families and their young children with blindness/visual impairment and deaf-blindness and on collaborating with families of diverse cultural and linguistic background. She has contributed to the field further through federal and state grants and research activities. Dr. Chen is a highly regarded expert in the field of pediatric visual impairment and deaf-blindness.
Approximately one hour