
Students with Vision Loss, College, and Transition — Where We Are and Where We Are Going

Fresh approaches for visually impaired students, their families and professionals, presented by College Success @ Perkins

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College Success @ Perkins recently hosted a Learning Series of webinars, bringing together leading experts to investigate the state of college readiness for students with vision loss, examine best practices, explore areas for growth and offer fresh approaches for students, their families, and educators. Educators now have the opportunity to earn professional development/continuing education credits for viewing this series.

Participate in this series as a Professional Development opportunity by registering for this self-paced tutorial, which presents all 4 sessions in their entirety as links to key resources within the College Success @ Perkins program.


The series is presented in 4 parts, which you may watch according to your own schedule. Stop and start self-paced tutorials as you like. There is no deadline to complete them!

Part 1: The Big Idea — State of College Readiness for Students with Vision Loss
Discuss the current state of higher education and examine trends in programming in college curricula

Part 2: Supporting Students to Develop the Skills They Need for 2022 and Beyond
Examine the role of TVIs, special educators, VR counselors, and families in supporting early skill development to lead to greater independence

Part 3: Putting it all Together — Programs to Inspire
Consider how to incorporate some key elements into your work with students now, to assist them in effectively developing and meeting their transition goals

Part 4: What’s Next? Moving from Contemplation to Action
Identify a path forward for both immediate and long-term impact

Don’t need the PD credits? View the series on College Success @ Perkins


Leslie Thatcher, Director, College Success @ Perkins

Diane Brauner, Manager, Paths to Technology, COMS and Accessibility Consultant
Robbin Clark, Assistant Director/Principal, Expanded Core Curriculum, Utah School for the Deaf and the Blind
Eric Endlich, Founder, Top College Consultants
Meg Grigal, Ph.D., Co-Director, Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion (University of Massachusetts Boston)
Enjie Hall, College Disabilities officer, University of Minnesota
Conchita Hernandez, Low Vision Specialist
Natalie Kaine, Pediatric Occupational Therapist and Senior Practitioner, Vision Australia
Janet Sacca, Teacher of the Visually Impaired
Annie Tulkin, Founder and Director, Accessible College
Eric Yarberry, Director of Education and Training, World Services for the Blind

Multiple days

Fresh approaches for visually impaired students, their families and professionals, presented by College Success @ Perkins