Hearing impacts our ability to communicate, connect with others, and respond to environmental cues.

little boy with apples

Megan Connaughton and Marguerite Tibaudo will explore teaching literacy to children who are deafblind. Techniques used within classrooms and outside of classrooms as well as the impact of deafblindness on a child will also be discussed.

Did you know:

  • As much as 90% of early learning is visual.
  • Hearing impacts our ability to communicate, connect with others, and respond to environmental cues.
  • The combination of vision and hearing loss greatly reduces access to learning and communication.
  • 90% of children who are identified as deafblind have additional physical, medical and/or cognitive disabilities (NationalDB, 2018)
  • Most individuals who are deafblind have residual use of vision and/or hearing.

If you are interested in earning  1.5 Professional Development Points, ACVREP, CTLE, or Continuing Education credits, please register for the tutorial.

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June 17, 2019 - June 17, 2019
Approximately one hour