
CVI & The Expanded Core Curriculum: Early Childhood Specifics

When families understand how vital it is to advocate for the ECC to be taught to their children as they grow, they are helping their children by way of accessing everything at school and not getting overlooked.

It takes intentionality and practice from adults to implement the components of the expanded core curriculum when working with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers who have CVI and/or multiple disabilities. The approach to coaching caregivers through teaching their children in creative ways is essential when it comes to implementing the ECC. When families understand how vital it is to advocate that the ECC be taught to their children as they grow, they are helping their children by way of accessing everything at school and not getting overlooked.

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At the end of this presentation, learners will

  • Apply CVI and ECC interventions to teaching all students with multiple disabilitieso   Explore how CVI relates to the ECC
  • Recognize what Anchor Center does to incorporate CVI and the ECC into programming
  • Explore how CVI relates to the ECC

Additional Resources from this presentation:

Teaching Life Differently: The Expanded Core Curriculum for Babies and Young Children with Visual Impairment

Early Intervention and CVI: Using “Idea Sheets” with Families in Natural Routines

Applying the Expanded Core Curriculum

CVI Now IEP Guide

Elise Darrow is the Cortical Visual Impairment Initiative Manager, a teacher of students with visual impairments, and Orientation and Mobility Specialist at Anchor Center for Blind Children in Denver, Colorado. She has worked in the field for eight years and has most recently focused on working with young children with visual impairments. She is currently enrolled in the doctoral program at the University or Northern Colorado in special education with an emphasis on visual impairment.

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Approximately one hour