
Accessible and Meaningful Learning for Students with CVI

Hear answers to parent questions about CVI promising practices, how to make learning perceivable, meaningful, and motivating, and more from Marguerite Tibaudo, TVI and Deafblind Specialist.

Marguerite Tibaudo, Assistant Director of the CVI Project at Perkins and a TVI and Deafblind specialist, presented “Accessible and meaningful learning for students with CVI” live on March 25, 2021, to answer parent questions about:
  • blending CVI promising practices with systematic instruction
  • thoughtful construction of lessons and activities that are based on comprehensive assessment
  • how to make learning perceivable, meaningful, and motivating
  • reliable responses
  • prompting and fading support
  • quality data collection to measure growth and inform IEP development
  • baseline data, present levels, and SMART IEP goals and objectives


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