
Breathing Techniques for Managing Stress

Breathing is very important and essential and we breathe every moment of every day.   We focus on our breathing during mediation and yoga. Breathing helps with our decision making especially with life dependence.

Rocks balancing on top of one another

Breathing is very important and essential and we breathe every moment of every day.   We focus on our breathing during mediation and yoga. Breathing helps with our decision making especially with life dependence. There is science behind breathing with how it helps the autonomic nervous system. There are various breathing exercises everyone in any situation can use.

Two Versions of Breathing Exercises

As I am working on my independence and overcoming my fears and working on my stress, I use the breathing technique 4-4-4. I also use guided meditation as well as talking to somebody when possible. This helps because I am a verbal thinker.

Practicing Relaxation Techniques

I am practicing and training my body to be more relaxed and be ok with high-stress situations. Specifically, I am working on being ok with independence as I am going to the Dominican Republic in July for two weeks with a program called Global Glimpse without my mom for the first time and without being able to have access to my phone. 

Managing Different Feelings

I am excited and nervous at the same time.  I have mixed feelings about my upcoming trip because it is my first time without mom for two weeks. I am nervous about that but excited because I would gain self-growth and I will grow in many ways. Not having my phone is nerve-racking for me because I have had field trips without a phone or mom and had an experience but when I go to the Dominican Republic and when I come back, I will then have overcome my fears. I am really excited to prove to myself that I can do this. 

Preparation Can Help Avoid Stress

Before I go, again I am going to continue to guide and navigate myself to prepare by going to my Global Glimpse meetings to get ready, plan for what I need for the trip, do research, and practice my breathing. In June’s blog, I am going to talk more about my trip as I will be only one month away from my departure. 


Headspace Website and Mobile App

Breathing Techniques with Dr. Jo

Anxious girl working on a laptop sweating.

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