How to proceed:

If you have one or more items you are considering donating to the Perkins Archives, we ask that you follow the procedure outlined below.


Those who wish to donate materials to the Perkins Archives should first consult the Collections Policy. It provides more information about collections and donations.

The next step is to contact the Archives at [email protected] or call 617-972-7565 to speak with an Archivist. This will allow us to determine whether the offered materials are appropriate and fit within the scope of the collections policy. If the offered materials are determined to be appropriate, the donor will complete a Deed of Gift provided by the Archivist before the items are accessioned. The School cannot perform or pay for monetary appraisals of gifts that a potential donor may desire for tax purposes.

The Perkins Archives does not collect:

Unsolicited donations:

As stated in the Collections Policy, unsolicited donations that are mailed or dropped off without prior authorization by Perkins Archives may be discarded at the discretion of the staff and are considered to be legally transferred to the Archives. The Archives staff claims the right to dispose of unsolicited materials in any manner it deems appropriate. Unsolicited donations will not be returned.