
Making science accessible to all students

We believe that all students, including those who are blind or visually impaired, deafblind, or those who have additional disabilities, can fully participate in science education and activities. The goal of this microsite is to share techniques and strategies to make science accessible to all.

A boy explores a tactile DNA model with his teacher.
A boy explores a tactile DNA model with his teacher.

Browse Science Lessons

Explore ideas and resources related to making science accessible to youth who are blind or visually impaired, including those who are deafblind or who have multiple disabilities.

A girl examines the model of a bug.

Life science lessons

A student tactually balances a simple chemical equation.

Physical science

Earth & space science

Two boys testing robot

Engineering & technology

Teaching tips

From elementary to high school students, get tips on how to set up your classroom.

Instructional materials

Find out where to get specialized materials and how to adapt your own.


Explore a wide range of topics on various aspects of accessible science.

Resources for teachers

Browse our recommended books, videos, and web resources for teaching science.

Student projects

Student-designed experiments and research projects can help to teach methods of scientific inquiry, as well as to bolster motivation and confidence.

Getting started with science activities

Interested in sharing your activity ideas?

We’re happy to discuss your thoughts!