
A conversation with Elizabeth Emerson

author of Letters from Red Farm: The Untold Story of the Friendship between Helen Keller and Journalist Joseph Edgar Chamberlin

On Wednesday, March 30, 2022 the Perkins Archives and Hayes Research Library hosted Elizabeth Emerson, author of Letters from Red Farm: The Untold Story of the Friendship between Helen Keller and Journalist Joseph Edgar Chamberlin, for a virtual author talk/book event via a Zoom Webinar. 

Letters from Red Farm, released in September 2021, tells the story of Helen Keller’s friendship with Joseph E. Chamberlin, the author’s great-great grandfather. Emerson used many of the materials in the Perkins Archives, particularly in the Helen Keller Arthur Gilman Collection, while researching and writing her book. She consulted with Research Library and Archives staff throughout the process of writing her book and has written guest posts for the Archives blog:

During the virtual event, Emerson shared some of her favorite stories from the book and her research, her experience working with the Perkins Archives, and answered questions.

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