Recommended Reads: Books with snow in the title
For the sake of New England skiers and winter readers, bring on the snow!
Perkins Library circulates more than half a million copies of accessible books, newspapers, and publications in braille, large print, and digital audio formats annually to thousands of registered patrons with print disabilities in Massachusetts, New England, and beyond.
Learn about all the ways Perkins Library works to make information accessible.
Members can borrow books and magazines in a variety of formats and foreign languages while accessing free services like Newsline.
Browse the entire Perkins Library collection and order materials online – all with the click of a button.
Buy blank cartridges for your Talking Book Player and other accessories to augment your free library services through the Amazon Marketplace!
Browse our curated lists and discover your next great read. These titles — with genres spanning fiction, memoir, classic literature, and everything in between — are selected for their ability to transport and spark conversations.
Children’s materials, including audiobooks, braille books, large print books, and DVDs are available. Sign up for our PerKIDS email newsletter for ideas to get your children excited about reading through fun activities including accessible games, recipes and more!
Perkins Library offers over 250,000 books, newspapers and, other publications. Accessible formats include braille, large print, audiobooks, and audio described DVDs.
A website where users can download audio and braille titles and magazines, as well as music scores and music theory books.
Over 500 national and international newspapers are available on our state-of-the-art text-to-speech phone-based service, Newsline. It is free of charge for registered users.
Linda Perkins Library patron“Perkins Library works beautifully for me. I look up a book in the Library catalog and if it’s available in the format I need, I put it in my book basket and sign in with my Perkins code and password. I go back to my book basket and check “Rush” which allows me to get up to three books in the mail in two to three days. It’s fantastic!”
For the sake of New England skiers and winter readers, bring on the snow!
Keep up with our resources, book clubs, special interest groups, children’s programming, and so much more!
In addition to over 250,000 unique titles, 25,000 braille titles, 500 audio and braille magazines, and 12,000 large print books, Perkins Library offers audio-described Blu-Ray and DVD movies, downloadable books and magazines, a braille awareness kit, museum passes, and instructional music materials.
We have a reference librarian available to answer your research questions. Materials are also available in over 60 languages.
Through Newsline™, you can listen to newspapers, magazines, TV listings and job announcements over the telephone, online, downloaded to an approved portable device or via email.
Contact us to access these materials and services.
Library services are available free to Massachusetts residents who meet one or more of the following eligibility guidelines:
What is a “competent authority?”
Regarding Perkins Library services, a “competent authority” is defined to include:
Institutions including schools, libraries, nursing homes, hospitals, and organizations that provide services to people with visual or physical disabilities are also eligible to receive Perkins Library services.
To apply for free Perkins Library services, please review the following service eligibility guidelines and download the appropriate forms. All applications must be signed and certified by a professional such as a doctor, ophthalmologist, registered nurse, librarian, or social worker. These service forms can also be requested by contacting Perkins Library at 617-972-7240, 1-800-852-3133, or [email protected]
Library service is free of charge to registered patrons.
The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and Perkins School for the Blind provide funding. Books and equipment are provided to us through our partnership with the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled of the Library of Congress.
Funds are also appropriated by Congress for “Free Matter for the Blind” mailing classification.
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